Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
trying to read more than blogs/us weekly

Flying back from Spain on September 11 was a little nervewracking, but I had some little monster kicking the back of my seat pretty much the whole time, and wanting to hit him was a distraction of sorts.
In the end, I didn't realize until I was there how much I had needed to go to spain. I got to talk to my grandfather, had my grandmother push 10 meals a day on me, was told at least a dozen times I look more like my mother every day, found out my cousin's seven-year old son really likes girls already, drank more than I had all year, and many, many more fascinating things!
I really am happy living in New York, and plan to stay here - but Galicia is just so great. While I am still all sappy, I want to keep closer to uh, my roots, and am re-reading Don Quixote, but this time in Galician. It's hard!