I always go back to...
I love this site for many reasons:
1) it sucks that I can't afford a new summer wardrobe. Thus, it's gratifying to me that people with tons of $ often buy such hilariously disastrous clothes with it.
2) lots of pictures, for the days when that's all you really want from a blog. Except this one of Viggo Mortensen did hurt a bit
3) without it, I really would have never known what a kook Bai Ling is.
it's pure genius. i love the way they talk about chloe sevigny EVERY day.
They are obsessed with her! and now, so am I
fascinating. do you prefer heather or jessica?
given my recent tendency to dress like an olsen twin and/or current-day hohan, i fear that i may wind up on that blog under innocent fugstander.
but other than that, i am all for that site. hilarious!
it's hard to choose between them, kind of like it's hard to choose between breyers butter almond and strawberry. I'll take both, please. but, I think Jessica, by a hair.
And jo, darling, you do NOT look like an Olsen twin, thank god
i knew i'd seen some mention of the fugyourself website somewhere before. you'll be happy to know that it was mentioned in today's FANTASY BASEBALL blog, in VERY WEIRD circumstances. If today is still the 26th of July, you can find it here:
otherwise, here is the relevant bit:
...I am thrilled to announce another Associate Editor, our stellar football columnist Heather Cocks. Heather’s done a lot of editing before - in her professional career as the head writer and producer for America’s Next Top Model and on her other, very popular (and hilarious) blog site, www.gofugyourself.com. Basically, she makes fun of what celebrities wear. Anyways, I continue to be amazed that she slums with us while that site continues to (rightfully so) take off, but there she is, stepping up to the plate and completing our associate editor team. Welcome aboard, Heather.
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