Thursday, July 28, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
so one thing I won't be reading at my new job are IMs....
it's actually sucky because IM is really my main mode of communication with people throughout the day, so to not be allowed to use it makes me feel very cut off from everyone... blogging is not the same...
besides that terrible piece of news, first day is actually going ok! fingers crossed...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
no blogs this week!*
* except dooce.
But anyway, what with "work" and reading Harry Potter, blogs have mostly fallen by the wayside this week.
I needed a break from lugging HP on the train, and am rereading bits of an old favorite (and very small!!!) book, The Optimist's Daughter.
It's pretty quiet and spare and so well written. I wish I could write like Eudora Welty.
This is my favorite passage. It's a little dramatic, but it's pretty much the loudest thing in this book, and I swear, it works:
She had gone on living with the old perfection undisturbed and undisturbing. Now, by her own hands, the past had been raised up, and he looked at her, Phil himself-- here waiting, all the time, Lazarus. He looked at her out of eyes wild with the craving for his unlived life, with mouth open like a funnel's.
What would have been their end, then? Suppose their marriage had ended like her father and her mother's? Or like her mother's father and mother's? Like -
"Laurel! Laurel! Laurel!" Phil's voice cried.
She wept for what happened to life.
"I wanted it!" Phil cried. His voice rose with the wind in the night and went around the house and around the house. It became a roar. "I wanted it!"
Thursday, July 14, 2005
this week I read...
an email I'd been waiting for that began with:
"I have some good news. You are approved and now all we have to do is pick a start date. When would you like to start?"

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I always go back to...
I love this site for many reasons:
1) it sucks that I can't afford a new summer wardrobe. Thus, it's gratifying to me that people with tons of $ often buy such hilariously disastrous clothes with it.
2) lots of pictures, for the days when that's all you really want from a blog. Except this one of Viggo Mortensen did hurt a bit
3) without it, I really would have never known what a kook Bai Ling is.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
don't be so bald
well. to get over the (alleged) coke horror, let us turn to an oldie, but totally awesome, blog posting, yes?
to wit:
"Wow. Leave your balls alone. Seriously, holy cow. Those are your balls. You guys are sitting, maybe, three feet apart. Jesus, man. There is not a dating guidebook in the world that would even conceive of writing a chapter called "Don't Play With Your Balls (on the First Date)" because any mammal with the gift of literacy would not even consider this a "Do I or Don't I?" kind of question. Wow. There you go again."